Collegify | Conquer ACT with Collegify and ace your test prep journey

Score Improvement


Our top ACT experts guide you with tried and tested strategies to help you join the top 5% of global test takers.


Lesson Plans

The right practice at the right time is key to consistent progress. Our lesson plan is tailor-made based on your practice test results.


To Avoid Pitfalls

Our interactive videos offer focused insights into common mistakes students make and address them in a simple and succinct way to help you avoid those pitfalls.



Understand each topic better by practicing topic-specific questions in each worksheet across the platform.

Plans that fit your scale

Get test ready with Mocks!

Attempt our real-life styled mocks and get ready to attempt any test.

Kartikeya S

35 ACT Score

The ACT online platform of Collegify taught me a lot of things that were on the test. What I loved about the subject videos was that it always taught me two or more ways to approach a problem. That way I never got stuck during the test and was able to increase my score.


Be smart. Choose Collegify!